Saturday, August 29, 2009
Easy Tips That Are Easy to Follow
Read Labels at the grocery store. Pick the products with the least amount of ingredients. Choose "WHOLE" foods with one primary ingredient. If you don't recognize 3 or more ingredients on the label or can't pronounce them; skip that product! A cancer councilor would advise a low fat, low sugar regimen of FRESH, unprocessed foods!
Monday, June 29, 2009
FIG Benefits
-In the book of Genesis in the Bible, Adam and Eve clad themselves with fig leaves (Genesis 3:7) after eating the "forbidden fruit" from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The fig is a symbol of great joy, prosparity and peace. Fig leaves, or depictions of fig leaves, have long been used to cover the genitals of nude figures in painting and sculpture. Often these fig leaves were added by art collectors or exhibitors long after the original work was completed. The use of the fig leaf as a protector of modesty or shield of some kind has entered the language. The edible fig, ablessed fruit, is one of the first plants that were cultivated by humans. Figs taste best consumed "warm" from the tree. They are dried, but store figs in refrigerator after opening. While figs are available year-round, they also can be kept in the freezer for up to one year.
-Figs are one of the highest plant sources of calcium and fiber. According to USDA data for the Mission variety, dried figs are richest in fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamin K, relative to human needs. They have smaller amounts of many other nutrients. Figs have a laxative effect and contain many antioxidants. They are good source of flavonoids and polyphenols[2]. In one study, a 40-gram portion of dried figs (two medium size figs) produced a significant increase in plasma antioxidant capacity.
-Technically, the fig is not really a fruit. It's actually an inverted flower, or multiple fruit, enclosed in stem tissue instead of ovary tissue. Botanically this is called a syconium. Only the small seeds would be considered fruits. The fig completely ripens and even partially dries while on the tree, without falling off. You'll know a fig is ripe when it begins to droop on the branch. When in season, their color goes from golden yellow to deep purple and black. Purchase them when they are firm, avoid them if mushy and spotted.
-When choosing fresh figs, select those which are plump and tender, have a rich, deep color. Ripe figs should not be washed until ready to eat and should be kept covered and refrigerated, where they will remain fresh for approximately two days. Unripe figs should be kept at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. The health benefits of figs include promoting healthy bowel function due to the high levels of fibre. Figs are amongst the most highly alkaline foods, making them useful in balancing the pH of the body. They are a good source of potassium, important in helping to regulate blood pressure. They also have anti-cancer properties.
-Figs are one of the highest plant sources of calcium and fiber. According to USDA data for the Mission variety, dried figs are richest in fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamin K, relative to human needs. They have smaller amounts of many other nutrients. Figs have a laxative effect and contain many antioxidants. They are good source of flavonoids and polyphenols[2]. In one study, a 40-gram portion of dried figs (two medium size figs) produced a significant increase in plasma antioxidant capacity.
-Technically, the fig is not really a fruit. It's actually an inverted flower, or multiple fruit, enclosed in stem tissue instead of ovary tissue. Botanically this is called a syconium. Only the small seeds would be considered fruits. The fig completely ripens and even partially dries while on the tree, without falling off. You'll know a fig is ripe when it begins to droop on the branch. When in season, their color goes from golden yellow to deep purple and black. Purchase them when they are firm, avoid them if mushy and spotted.
-When choosing fresh figs, select those which are plump and tender, have a rich, deep color. Ripe figs should not be washed until ready to eat and should be kept covered and refrigerated, where they will remain fresh for approximately two days. Unripe figs should be kept at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. The health benefits of figs include promoting healthy bowel function due to the high levels of fibre. Figs are amongst the most highly alkaline foods, making them useful in balancing the pH of the body. They are a good source of potassium, important in helping to regulate blood pressure. They also have anti-cancer properties.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Aspartame Danger
Aspartame is the technical name for the brand names, NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, and Equal-Measure. Aspartame was discovered by accident in 1965, when James Schlatter, a chemist of G.D. Searle Company was testing an anti-ulcer drug. Aspartame was approved for dry goods in 1981 and for carbonated beverages in 1983. It was originally approved for dry goods on July 26, 1974, but objections filed by neuroscience researcher Dr John W. Olney and Consumer attorney James Turner in August 1974 as well as investigations of G.D. Searle's research practices caused the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to put approval of aspartame on hold (December 5, 1974). In 1985, Monsanto purchased G.D. Searle and made Searle Pharmaceuticals and The NutraSweet Company separate subsidiaries.
-Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death as recently disclosed in a February 1994 Department of Health and Human Services report.(1) A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include: Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.
-According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting of aspartame:(2)
-Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, parkinson's disease, alzheimer's, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.
-Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: Aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. The book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James and Phyllis Balch, lists aspartame under the category of "chemical poison." As you shall see, that is exactly what it is.
-Phenylalanine (50 percent of aspartame) is an amino acid normally found in your brain, however people with the genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) cannot metabolize phenylalanine. This leads to dangerously high -- and sometimes lethal -- levels of phenylalanine in your brain. It has been shown, though, that ingesting aspartame, especially along with carbohydrates, can lead to excess levels of phenylalanine in your brain even if you do not have PKU. Even consuming aspartame one time has been found to raise your blood levels of phenylalanine. What’s the risk of this? Excessive levels of phenylalanine in your brain can cause the levels of serotonin in your brain to decrease, leading to emotional disorders such as depression. It can also cause schizophrenia or make you more susceptible to seizures.
-Methanol (aka wood alcohol) (10 percent of aspartame) is a deadly poison, and the absorption of methanol into your body is sped up considerably when free methanol is ingested. Well, free methanol is created from aspartame when it is heated to above 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 Centigrade). This would occur when an aspartame-containing product is improperly stored (in the sun, for instance) or when it is heated, such as part of a "food" product like Jello. Meanwhile, methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde -- a deadly neurotoxin -- in your body. Even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that methanol "is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion once it is absorbed. In the body, methanol is oxidized to formaldehyde and formic acid; both of these metabolites are toxic." They recommend a limit of consumption of 7.8 mg/day, but a one-liter aspartame-sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol. Heavy users of aspartame-containing products consume as much as 250 mg of methanol daily -- or 32 times the EPA limit!
-Symptoms of methanol poisoning are numerous & varied. They include: • Vision problems, • Headaches, ear buzzing, dizziness,• Nausea & gastrointestinal disturbances,• Weakness, numbness & shooting pains in your extremities,• Behavioral disturbances,• Memory lapses
-The most well known problems from methanol poisoning are vision problems. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, causes retinal damage, interferes with DNA replication, and causes birth defects. Due to the lack of a couple of key enzymes, humans are many times more sensitive to the toxic effects of methanol than animals. Therefore, tests of aspartame or methanol on animals do not accurately reflect the danger for humans. As pointed out by Dr Woodrow C. Monte, Director of the Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory at Arizona State University, "There are no human or mammalian studies to evaluate the possible mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic effects of chronic administration of methyl alcohol."
He was so concerned about the unresolved safety issues that he filed suit with the FDA requesting a hearing to address these issues. He asked the FDA to "slow down on this soft drink issue long enough to answer some of the important questions. It's not fair that you are leaving the full burden of proof on the few of us who are concerned and have such limited resources. You must remember that you are the American public's last defense. Once you allow usage (of aspartame) there is literally nothing I or my colleagues can do to reverse the course. Aspartame will then join saccharin, the sulfiting agents, and God knows how many other questionable compounds enjoined to insult the human constitution with governmental approval."(10) Shortly thereafter, the Commissioner of the FDA, Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., approved the use of aspartame in carbonated beverages, he then left for a position with G.D. Searle's public relations firm.(11)
It has been pointed out that some fruit juices and alcoholic beverages contain small amounts of methanol. It is important to remember, however, that methanol never appears alone. In every case, ethanol is present, usually in much higher amounts. Ethanol is an antidote for methanol toxicity in humans.(9) The troops of Desert Storm were "treated" to large amounts of aspartame-sweetened beverages, which had been heated to over 86 degrees F in the Saudi Arabian sun. Many of them returned home with numerous disorders similar to what has been seen in persons who have been chemically poisoned by formaldehyde. The free methanol in the beverages may have been a contributing factor in these illnesses. Other breakdown products of aspartame such as DKP (discussed below) may also have been a factor.
In a 1993 act that can only be described as "unconscionable," the FDA approved aspartame as an ingredient in numerous food items that would always be heated to above 86 degree F (30 degree C).
-Diketopiperazine,DKP is a byproduct of aspartame metabolism. DKP has been implicated in the occurrence of brain tumors. Olney noticed that DKP, when nitrosated in the gut, produced a compound that was similar to N-nitrosourea, a powerful brain tumor causing chemical. Some authors have said that DKP is produced after aspartame ingestion. I am not sure if that is correct. It is definitely true that DKP is formed in liquid aspartame-containing products during prolonged storage. G.D. Searle conducted animal experiments on the safety of DKP. The FDA found numerous experimental errors occurred, including "clerical errors, mixed-up animals, animals not getting drugs they were supposed to get, pathological specimens lost because of improper handling, and many other errors. These sloppy laboratory procedures may explain why both the test and control animals had sixteen times more brain tumors than would be expected in experiments of this length. In an ironic twist, shortly after these experimental errors were discovered, the FDA used guidelines recommended by G.D. Searle to develop the industry-wide FDA standards for good laboratory practices. DKP has also been implicated as a cause of uterine polyps and changes in blood cholesterol by FDA Toxicologist Dr. Jacqueline Verrett in her testimony before the U.S. Senate.
So, PLEASE- - -throw away all your Equal & NutriSweet!!!
To read more about Aspartame, its side effects & the Nutrisweet scandal, go here:,+causes+retinal+damage&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
-Aspartame accounts for over 75 percent of the adverse reactions to food additives reported to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Many of these reactions are very serious including seizures and death as recently disclosed in a February 1994 Department of Health and Human Services report.(1) A few of the 90 different documented symptoms listed in the report as being caused by aspartame include: Headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain.
-According to researchers and physicians studying the adverse effects of aspartame, the following chronic illnesses can be triggered or worsened by ingesting of aspartame:(2)
-Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, parkinson's disease, alzheimer's, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes.
-Aspartame is made up of three chemicals: Aspartic acid, phenylalanine, and methanol. The book, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, by James and Phyllis Balch, lists aspartame under the category of "chemical poison." As you shall see, that is exactly what it is.
-Phenylalanine (50 percent of aspartame) is an amino acid normally found in your brain, however people with the genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) cannot metabolize phenylalanine. This leads to dangerously high -- and sometimes lethal -- levels of phenylalanine in your brain. It has been shown, though, that ingesting aspartame, especially along with carbohydrates, can lead to excess levels of phenylalanine in your brain even if you do not have PKU. Even consuming aspartame one time has been found to raise your blood levels of phenylalanine. What’s the risk of this? Excessive levels of phenylalanine in your brain can cause the levels of serotonin in your brain to decrease, leading to emotional disorders such as depression. It can also cause schizophrenia or make you more susceptible to seizures.
-Methanol (aka wood alcohol) (10 percent of aspartame) is a deadly poison, and the absorption of methanol into your body is sped up considerably when free methanol is ingested. Well, free methanol is created from aspartame when it is heated to above 86 degrees Fahrenheit (30 Centigrade). This would occur when an aspartame-containing product is improperly stored (in the sun, for instance) or when it is heated, such as part of a "food" product like Jello. Meanwhile, methanol breaks down into formic acid and formaldehyde -- a deadly neurotoxin -- in your body. Even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that methanol "is considered a cumulative poison due to the low rate of excretion once it is absorbed. In the body, methanol is oxidized to formaldehyde and formic acid; both of these metabolites are toxic." They recommend a limit of consumption of 7.8 mg/day, but a one-liter aspartame-sweetened beverage contains about 56 mg of methanol. Heavy users of aspartame-containing products consume as much as 250 mg of methanol daily -- or 32 times the EPA limit!
-Symptoms of methanol poisoning are numerous & varied. They include: • Vision problems, • Headaches, ear buzzing, dizziness,• Nausea & gastrointestinal disturbances,• Weakness, numbness & shooting pains in your extremities,• Behavioral disturbances,• Memory lapses
-The most well known problems from methanol poisoning are vision problems. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, causes retinal damage, interferes with DNA replication, and causes birth defects. Due to the lack of a couple of key enzymes, humans are many times more sensitive to the toxic effects of methanol than animals. Therefore, tests of aspartame or methanol on animals do not accurately reflect the danger for humans. As pointed out by Dr Woodrow C. Monte, Director of the Food Science and Nutrition Laboratory at Arizona State University, "There are no human or mammalian studies to evaluate the possible mutagenic, teratogenic, or carcinogenic effects of chronic administration of methyl alcohol."
He was so concerned about the unresolved safety issues that he filed suit with the FDA requesting a hearing to address these issues. He asked the FDA to "slow down on this soft drink issue long enough to answer some of the important questions. It's not fair that you are leaving the full burden of proof on the few of us who are concerned and have such limited resources. You must remember that you are the American public's last defense. Once you allow usage (of aspartame) there is literally nothing I or my colleagues can do to reverse the course. Aspartame will then join saccharin, the sulfiting agents, and God knows how many other questionable compounds enjoined to insult the human constitution with governmental approval."(10) Shortly thereafter, the Commissioner of the FDA, Arthur Hull Hayes, Jr., approved the use of aspartame in carbonated beverages, he then left for a position with G.D. Searle's public relations firm.(11)
It has been pointed out that some fruit juices and alcoholic beverages contain small amounts of methanol. It is important to remember, however, that methanol never appears alone. In every case, ethanol is present, usually in much higher amounts. Ethanol is an antidote for methanol toxicity in humans.(9) The troops of Desert Storm were "treated" to large amounts of aspartame-sweetened beverages, which had been heated to over 86 degrees F in the Saudi Arabian sun. Many of them returned home with numerous disorders similar to what has been seen in persons who have been chemically poisoned by formaldehyde. The free methanol in the beverages may have been a contributing factor in these illnesses. Other breakdown products of aspartame such as DKP (discussed below) may also have been a factor.
In a 1993 act that can only be described as "unconscionable," the FDA approved aspartame as an ingredient in numerous food items that would always be heated to above 86 degree F (30 degree C).
-Diketopiperazine,DKP is a byproduct of aspartame metabolism. DKP has been implicated in the occurrence of brain tumors. Olney noticed that DKP, when nitrosated in the gut, produced a compound that was similar to N-nitrosourea, a powerful brain tumor causing chemical. Some authors have said that DKP is produced after aspartame ingestion. I am not sure if that is correct. It is definitely true that DKP is formed in liquid aspartame-containing products during prolonged storage. G.D. Searle conducted animal experiments on the safety of DKP. The FDA found numerous experimental errors occurred, including "clerical errors, mixed-up animals, animals not getting drugs they were supposed to get, pathological specimens lost because of improper handling, and many other errors. These sloppy laboratory procedures may explain why both the test and control animals had sixteen times more brain tumors than would be expected in experiments of this length. In an ironic twist, shortly after these experimental errors were discovered, the FDA used guidelines recommended by G.D. Searle to develop the industry-wide FDA standards for good laboratory practices. DKP has also been implicated as a cause of uterine polyps and changes in blood cholesterol by FDA Toxicologist Dr. Jacqueline Verrett in her testimony before the U.S. Senate.
So, PLEASE- - -throw away all your Equal & NutriSweet!!!
To read more about Aspartame, its side effects & the Nutrisweet scandal, go here:,+causes+retinal+damage&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Gluten is a special type of protein that is commonly found in Rye, Wheat, Oats and Barley. Therefore, it is found in most types of cereals and in many types of bread. It is a binding element. Also, exclude derivatives from these grains such as durum wheat flour, couscous, graham flour, kasha, wheat germ, bran and bulgar, triticale, kamut, spelt or mir.
Other Gluten: Abyssinian Hard (Wheat triticum durum), Alcohol (Spirits - Specific Types), Amp-Isostearoyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Atta Flour, Barley Grass (can contain seeds), Barley Hordeum vulgare, Barley Malt, Beer (most contain barley or wheat), Bleached Flour, Bran, Bread Flour, Brewer's Yeast, Brown Flour, Bulgur (Bulgar Wheat/Nuts), Bulgur Wheat, Cereal Binding, Chilton, Club Wheat (Triticum aestivum subspecies compactum), Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Cookie Crumbs, Cookie Dough, Criped Rice, Dinkle (Spelt), Disodium Wheatgermamido Peg-2 Sulfosuccinate, Durum wheat (Triticum durum), Edible Coatings, Edible Films, Edible Starch, Einkorn (Triticum monococcum), Emmer (Triticum dicoccon), Enriched Bleached Flour, Enriched Bleached Wheat Flour, Enriched Flour, Farina, Farina Graham, Farro Filler, Flour (normally this is wheat), Fu (dried wheat gluten), Germ, Graham Flour, Granary Flour, Groats (barley, wheat), Hard Wheat, Heeng, Hing, Hordeum Vulgare Extract, Hydrolyzed Wheat Gluten, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein Pg-Propyl Silanetriol, Hydrolyzed Wheat Starch, Hydroxypropyltrimonium Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Kamut (Pasta wheat), Keca Manis (Soy Sauce), Ketjap Manis (Soy Sauce), Kluski Pasta, Maida (Indian wheat flour), Malt, Malted Barley Flour, Malted Milk, Malt Extract, Malt Syrup, Malt Flavoring, Malt Vinegar, Macha Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Matza, Matzah, Matzo, Matzo Semolina, Meringue, Meripro 711, Mir, Nishasta, Oriental Wheat (Triticum turanicum), Orzo Pasta, Pearl Barley, Persian Wheat (Triticum carthlicum), Perungayam, Poulard Wheat (Triticum turgidum), Polish Wheat (Triticum polonicum), Rice Malt (if barley or Koji are used), Roux, Rusk, Rye, Seitan, Semolina, Semolina Triticum, Shot Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Small Spelt, Spirits (Specific Types), Spelt (Triticum spelta), Sprouted Wheat or Barley, Stearyldimoniumhydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Strong Flour, Suet in Packets, Tabbouleh, Tabouli, Teriyaki Sauce, Textured Vegetable Protein – TVP, Timopheevi Wheat (Triticum timopheevii), Triticale X triticosecale, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Flour Lipids, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil, Udon (wheat noodles), Unbleached Flour, Vavilovi Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Vital Wheat Gluten, Abyssinian Hard triticum durum, Wheat amino acids, Wheat Bran Extract, Bulgur, Wheat Durum Triticum, Wheat Germ Extract, Wheat Germ Glycerides, Wheat Germ Oil, Wheat Germamidopropyldimonium Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Wheat Grass (can contain seeds), Wheat Nuts, Wheat Protein, Wheat Triticum aestivum, Wheat Triticum Monococcum, Wheat (Triticum Vulgare) Bran Extract, Whole-Meal Flour, Wild Einkorn (Triticum boeotictim), Wild Emmer (Triticum dicoccoides)
*Grains that do not have gluten include wild rice, corn, buckwheat, millet, amaranth, quinoa, teff, soybeans, and sunflower seeds.
Other Gluten Free Foods:
Corn, rice, potatoes, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, tapioca, quinoa, sorghum,& flours of them
100% unprocessed meats, poultry, and seafood with no additives or coatings; eggs
Fresh fruit and fruit juices, Fresh and frozen vegetables and vegetable juices
Beans and legumes, Nuts and seeds, and flours made from nuts and seeds, Tofu (only the kind made from soybeans), Coffee, Tea, Whole milk, soymilk (read label), and aged cheeses, Distilled liquor and wine
*Gluten can be removed from wheat flour, producing wheat starch. All gluten in wheat flour, however, cannot be removed. Still, according the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), if a certain amount of the gluten is removed, the food product can be labeled "gluten-free."
*Gluten helps make bread elastic, providing it with that chewy texture it has when eaten. For this reason, flour that has had most of its gluten removed, produces a sticky dough that feels much like chewing gum.
*Gluten also has an absorbent quality, which is why bread is capable of soaking up broth. Because of this feature, gluten is often used by those on a vegetarian diet as an imitation meat. On the downside, gluten is believed to be partly responsible for causing bread to become stale.
*There are also some products that contain gluten that aren't as obvious. These include any foods that contain natural flavoring. This is a vague term that may indicate gluten has been used. Soy sauce also contains gluten as does modified food starch, vegetable gum and hydrolyzed vegetable protein.
*There is No money in researching gluten intolerance, because there was no medication to treat it., from Elisabeth Hasselbeck, of The View
Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance:
-Upset stomach • Headaches • Fatigue, Irritability, depression or anxiety,
-Diarrhea • Abdominal pain & bloating, Muscle cramps • Bone or joint pain,
-Mouth sores inside the mouth, Irritable bowel syndrome • Gastric ulcers,
-Tingling numbness in the hands and feet, Arthritis • Seizures, Skin rash (dermatitis herpetifor)
-Unexplained iron-deficiency anemia, Bone loss or osteoporosis,
-Missed menstrual periods • Infertility or recurrent miscarriage
*Wheat free is NOT gluten free, Wheat starch is gluten!
*Modified food starch may be derived from wheat
*Hydrolyzed plant and vegetable protein may be from a gluten source
*Maltodextrin can be derived from either wheat or corn. Therefore, you would need to check with the company to see if this is a gluten/free product.
*Some distilled vinegar has malt in it. Malt is NOT gluten/free
*Beware, carmel source can be wheat or corn - this needs to be checked by calling the manufacturing company about which ingredient it comes from.
*Mustard/Mustard Flour: This ingredient does not contain gluten
Oats have two issues:
1. most of the Oats are contaminated - google 'gluten free oats' to find ones that are produced in fields that aren't rotated with wheat and processed in facilities that aren't shared, but that doesn't affect number 2...
2. as the oat protein, avenin, is similar to the wheat protein, gliadin, about 10% of celiacs react to oats as well. Oats, despite the small amount of gluten they contain, are well-tolerated by celiac patients.
Other Gluten: Abyssinian Hard (Wheat triticum durum), Alcohol (Spirits - Specific Types), Amp-Isostearoyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Atta Flour, Barley Grass (can contain seeds), Barley Hordeum vulgare, Barley Malt, Beer (most contain barley or wheat), Bleached Flour, Bran, Bread Flour, Brewer's Yeast, Brown Flour, Bulgur (Bulgar Wheat/Nuts), Bulgur Wheat, Cereal Binding, Chilton, Club Wheat (Triticum aestivum subspecies compactum), Common Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Cookie Crumbs, Cookie Dough, Criped Rice, Dinkle (Spelt), Disodium Wheatgermamido Peg-2 Sulfosuccinate, Durum wheat (Triticum durum), Edible Coatings, Edible Films, Edible Starch, Einkorn (Triticum monococcum), Emmer (Triticum dicoccon), Enriched Bleached Flour, Enriched Bleached Wheat Flour, Enriched Flour, Farina, Farina Graham, Farro Filler, Flour (normally this is wheat), Fu (dried wheat gluten), Germ, Graham Flour, Granary Flour, Groats (barley, wheat), Hard Wheat, Heeng, Hing, Hordeum Vulgare Extract, Hydrolyzed Wheat Gluten, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein Pg-Propyl Silanetriol, Hydrolyzed Wheat Starch, Hydroxypropyltrimonium Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Kamut (Pasta wheat), Keca Manis (Soy Sauce), Ketjap Manis (Soy Sauce), Kluski Pasta, Maida (Indian wheat flour), Malt, Malted Barley Flour, Malted Milk, Malt Extract, Malt Syrup, Malt Flavoring, Malt Vinegar, Macha Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Matza, Matzah, Matzo, Matzo Semolina, Meringue, Meripro 711, Mir, Nishasta, Oriental Wheat (Triticum turanicum), Orzo Pasta, Pearl Barley, Persian Wheat (Triticum carthlicum), Perungayam, Poulard Wheat (Triticum turgidum), Polish Wheat (Triticum polonicum), Rice Malt (if barley or Koji are used), Roux, Rusk, Rye, Seitan, Semolina, Semolina Triticum, Shot Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Small Spelt, Spirits (Specific Types), Spelt (Triticum spelta), Sprouted Wheat or Barley, Stearyldimoniumhydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Strong Flour, Suet in Packets, Tabbouleh, Tabouli, Teriyaki Sauce, Textured Vegetable Protein – TVP, Timopheevi Wheat (Triticum timopheevii), Triticale X triticosecale, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Flour Lipids, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Extract, Triticum Vulgare (Wheat) Germ Oil, Udon (wheat noodles), Unbleached Flour, Vavilovi Wheat (Triticum aestivum), Vital Wheat Gluten, Abyssinian Hard triticum durum, Wheat amino acids, Wheat Bran Extract, Bulgur, Wheat Durum Triticum, Wheat Germ Extract, Wheat Germ Glycerides, Wheat Germ Oil, Wheat Germamidopropyldimonium Hydroxypropyl Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Wheat Grass (can contain seeds), Wheat Nuts, Wheat Protein, Wheat Triticum aestivum, Wheat Triticum Monococcum, Wheat (Triticum Vulgare) Bran Extract, Whole-Meal Flour, Wild Einkorn (Triticum boeotictim), Wild Emmer (Triticum dicoccoides)
*Grains that do not have gluten include wild rice, corn, buckwheat, millet, amaranth, quinoa, teff, soybeans, and sunflower seeds.
Other Gluten Free Foods:
Corn, rice, potatoes, amaranth, buckwheat, millet, tapioca, quinoa, sorghum,& flours of them
100% unprocessed meats, poultry, and seafood with no additives or coatings; eggs
Fresh fruit and fruit juices, Fresh and frozen vegetables and vegetable juices
Beans and legumes, Nuts and seeds, and flours made from nuts and seeds, Tofu (only the kind made from soybeans), Coffee, Tea, Whole milk, soymilk (read label), and aged cheeses, Distilled liquor and wine
*Gluten can be removed from wheat flour, producing wheat starch. All gluten in wheat flour, however, cannot be removed. Still, according the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), if a certain amount of the gluten is removed, the food product can be labeled "gluten-free."
*Gluten helps make bread elastic, providing it with that chewy texture it has when eaten. For this reason, flour that has had most of its gluten removed, produces a sticky dough that feels much like chewing gum.
*Gluten also has an absorbent quality, which is why bread is capable of soaking up broth. Because of this feature, gluten is often used by those on a vegetarian diet as an imitation meat. On the downside, gluten is believed to be partly responsible for causing bread to become stale.
*There are also some products that contain gluten that aren't as obvious. These include any foods that contain natural flavoring. This is a vague term that may indicate gluten has been used. Soy sauce also contains gluten as does modified food starch, vegetable gum and hydrolyzed vegetable protein.
*There is No money in researching gluten intolerance, because there was no medication to treat it., from Elisabeth Hasselbeck, of The View
Symptoms of Gluten Intolerance:
-Upset stomach • Headaches • Fatigue, Irritability, depression or anxiety,
-Diarrhea • Abdominal pain & bloating, Muscle cramps • Bone or joint pain,
-Mouth sores inside the mouth, Irritable bowel syndrome • Gastric ulcers,
-Tingling numbness in the hands and feet, Arthritis • Seizures, Skin rash (dermatitis herpetifor)
-Unexplained iron-deficiency anemia, Bone loss or osteoporosis,
-Missed menstrual periods • Infertility or recurrent miscarriage
*Wheat free is NOT gluten free, Wheat starch is gluten!
*Modified food starch may be derived from wheat
*Hydrolyzed plant and vegetable protein may be from a gluten source
*Maltodextrin can be derived from either wheat or corn. Therefore, you would need to check with the company to see if this is a gluten/free product.
*Some distilled vinegar has malt in it. Malt is NOT gluten/free
*Beware, carmel source can be wheat or corn - this needs to be checked by calling the manufacturing company about which ingredient it comes from.
*Mustard/Mustard Flour: This ingredient does not contain gluten
Oats have two issues:
1. most of the Oats are contaminated - google 'gluten free oats' to find ones that are produced in fields that aren't rotated with wheat and processed in facilities that aren't shared, but that doesn't affect number 2...
2. as the oat protein, avenin, is similar to the wheat protein, gliadin, about 10% of celiacs react to oats as well. Oats, despite the small amount of gluten they contain, are well-tolerated by celiac patients.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Carrot Facts
*Carrots are a root vegetable that originated in Afghanistan. They were purple, red, white, and yellow. Both the Ancient Greeks and Romans cultivated carrots. They are a member of the Umbelliferae family, which also includes celery, parsley, dill, cilantro, caraway, cumin, and the poisonous hemlock.
*The Ancient Greeks called the carrot a philtron, which translates to "love charm." China, Japan, and India were cultivating carrots by the 13th century.
*In the 16th century, Dutch carrot growers invented the orange carrot in honor of the House of Orange, the Dutch Royal Family. They did this by cross breeding pale yellow carrots with red carrots. The carrot soon caught on in England as both a food & a fashion accessory. Ladies used carrot tops to decorate their hats.
*The settlers at Jamestown in 1607 introduced carrots to North America..
*China is the world's top carrot producer. The country produced 35 percent of the world's carrots in 2004. Russia is the 2nd top producer and the US the third. California is the top fresh carrot producer, Washington state is the top producer of carrots meant for canning and other processing.
*Orange carrots get their color from beta carotene, more than any other vegetable. One cup of carrots has 16,679 IU of beta-carotene. The body converts carotene to vitamin A. This is also an excellent source of vitamins B and C as well as calcium pectate, an extraordinary pectin fiber that has been found to have cholesterol-lowering properties. Carrot greens are high in vitamin K. Potassium, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate and Manganese are also found in carrots & they are about 87% water.
*Eating too many carrots can cause a person's skin to turn yellowish orange. This is called carotenemia. It is completely reversible once the consumption of carrots is reduced. The Average person will eat 10,866 carrots in their lifetime. One cup of raw carrots contains about 52 calories.
*Keep carrots away from apples and tomatoes as these fruits give off higher amounts of ethylene gas and may make the carrots taste bitter.
* The highly cleansing power of carrots scrubs away even the old build-up of arterial deposits, reducing the risks of heart diseases and stroke.
* Studies show that adding one carrot per day in our diet significantly reduces cancer risks.
* Carrots are very effective in dispelling mucus from the ear, nose and throat area, easing nasal congestion, sinusitis, phlegm and mucus in the throat and other similar disorders.
* Its anti-inflammatory effect greatly helps reduce arthritis, rheumatism, gout and other inflammations. It does wonders for boosting the immune system by increasing the production and performance of white blood cells; building resistant to various kinds of infections.
*The Ancient Greeks called the carrot a philtron, which translates to "love charm." China, Japan, and India were cultivating carrots by the 13th century.
*In the 16th century, Dutch carrot growers invented the orange carrot in honor of the House of Orange, the Dutch Royal Family. They did this by cross breeding pale yellow carrots with red carrots. The carrot soon caught on in England as both a food & a fashion accessory. Ladies used carrot tops to decorate their hats.
*The settlers at Jamestown in 1607 introduced carrots to North America..
*China is the world's top carrot producer. The country produced 35 percent of the world's carrots in 2004. Russia is the 2nd top producer and the US the third. California is the top fresh carrot producer, Washington state is the top producer of carrots meant for canning and other processing.
*Orange carrots get their color from beta carotene, more than any other vegetable. One cup of carrots has 16,679 IU of beta-carotene. The body converts carotene to vitamin A. This is also an excellent source of vitamins B and C as well as calcium pectate, an extraordinary pectin fiber that has been found to have cholesterol-lowering properties. Carrot greens are high in vitamin K. Potassium, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate and Manganese are also found in carrots & they are about 87% water.
*Eating too many carrots can cause a person's skin to turn yellowish orange. This is called carotenemia. It is completely reversible once the consumption of carrots is reduced. The Average person will eat 10,866 carrots in their lifetime. One cup of raw carrots contains about 52 calories.
*Keep carrots away from apples and tomatoes as these fruits give off higher amounts of ethylene gas and may make the carrots taste bitter.
* The highly cleansing power of carrots scrubs away even the old build-up of arterial deposits, reducing the risks of heart diseases and stroke.
* Studies show that adding one carrot per day in our diet significantly reduces cancer risks.
* Carrots are very effective in dispelling mucus from the ear, nose and throat area, easing nasal congestion, sinusitis, phlegm and mucus in the throat and other similar disorders.
* Its anti-inflammatory effect greatly helps reduce arthritis, rheumatism, gout and other inflammations. It does wonders for boosting the immune system by increasing the production and performance of white blood cells; building resistant to various kinds of infections.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Mental Health Terms
These are some of the definitions found in the Optimum Nutrition Questionnaire:
Anxiety- a range from feelings of uneasiness to immobilizing bouts of terror. Most people experience anxiety at some point in their lives and some nervousness in anticipation of a real situation. However if a person cannot shake unwarranted worries, or if the feelings are jarring to the point of avoiding everyday activities, he or she most likely has an anxiety disorder.
Apathy- to suffer: Want of feeling; privation of passion, emotion, or excitement; dispassion; -- applied either to the body or the mind. As applied to the mind, it is a calmness, indolence, or state of indifference, incapable of being ruffled or roused to active interest or exertion by pleasure, pain, or passion.
Confusion- Impaired orientation with respect to time, place, or person; a disturbed mental state. : disturbance of consciousness characterized by inability to engage in orderly thought or by lack of power to distinguish, choose, or act decisively.
Depression- a mood disorder characterized by intense feelings of sadness that persist beyond a few weeks. Two neurotransmitters-natural substances that allow brain cells to communicate with one another-are implicated in depression: serotonin and nor epinephrine.
Dizzy- Without distinct thought; unreflected; thoughtless; heedless, mentally confused, lacking seriousness; given to frivolity
Dysfunction- Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a bodily system or organ.
Fatigue- The decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism, an organ, or a part to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion. a weakened state caused by long stress; the temporary loss of power to respond induced in a sensory receptor or motor end organ by continued stimulation
Hyperactivity- a condition characterized by excessive restlessness and movement, a state of being excessively or pathologically active; with minimal brain dysfunction or hyperkinesis
Hyperkinesis- in Psychiatry. a disorder occurring in children and adolescents, characterized by excessive activity, extreme restlessness, impulsivity, and a short attention span
Irritability- The capacity to respond to stimuli.Abnormal or excessive sensitivity to stimuli of an organism, organ, or body part.
Insomnia- prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep- also agrypnia
Listless- Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic: reacted to the latest crisis with listless resignation.
Mind-mapping - a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.
Nervous- relating to the nerves or nervous system: nervous tissue.Easily agitated or distressed; high-strung or jumpy, Marked by or having a feeling of unease or apprehension
Restless- Never resting; unquiet; uneasy; continually moving; Not satisfied to be at rest or in peace; averse to repose or quiet; eager for change; discontented; Deprived of rest or sleep
Teeth Grinding or Bruxism- The habitual, involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth, usually during sleep, but not always--- as from anger, tension, fear, or frustration.
Tension- a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense; from fatigue, emotional tension, stress is a vasoconstrictor, feelings of hostility that are not manifest;
The Optimum Nutrition Qusestioaire allows you to adjust your nutrients according to the aspects of your health and lifestyles. Hope this helps you to better understand the questionaire and answer more completely.
The Optimum Nutrition Bible By Patrick Holford
Anxiety- a range from feelings of uneasiness to immobilizing bouts of terror. Most people experience anxiety at some point in their lives and some nervousness in anticipation of a real situation. However if a person cannot shake unwarranted worries, or if the feelings are jarring to the point of avoiding everyday activities, he or she most likely has an anxiety disorder.
Apathy- to suffer: Want of feeling; privation of passion, emotion, or excitement; dispassion; -- applied either to the body or the mind. As applied to the mind, it is a calmness, indolence, or state of indifference, incapable of being ruffled or roused to active interest or exertion by pleasure, pain, or passion.
Confusion- Impaired orientation with respect to time, place, or person; a disturbed mental state. : disturbance of consciousness characterized by inability to engage in orderly thought or by lack of power to distinguish, choose, or act decisively.
Depression- a mood disorder characterized by intense feelings of sadness that persist beyond a few weeks. Two neurotransmitters-natural substances that allow brain cells to communicate with one another-are implicated in depression: serotonin and nor epinephrine.
Dizzy- Without distinct thought; unreflected; thoughtless; heedless, mentally confused, lacking seriousness; given to frivolity
Dysfunction- Abnormal or impaired functioning, especially of a bodily system or organ.
Fatigue- The decreased capacity or complete inability of an organism, an organ, or a part to function normally because of excessive stimulation or prolonged exertion. a weakened state caused by long stress; the temporary loss of power to respond induced in a sensory receptor or motor end organ by continued stimulation
Hyperactivity- a condition characterized by excessive restlessness and movement, a state of being excessively or pathologically active; with minimal brain dysfunction or hyperkinesis
Hyperkinesis- in Psychiatry. a disorder occurring in children and adolescents, characterized by excessive activity, extreme restlessness, impulsivity, and a short attention span
Irritability- The capacity to respond to stimuli.Abnormal or excessive sensitivity to stimuli of an organism, organ, or body part.
Insomnia- prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain adequate sleep- also agrypnia
Listless- Lacking energy or disinclined to exert effort; lethargic: reacted to the latest crisis with listless resignation.
Mind-mapping - a diagram used to represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items linked to and arranged around a central key word or idea. Mind maps are used to generate, visualize, structure, and classify ideas, and as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision making, and writing.
Nervous- relating to the nerves or nervous system: nervous tissue.Easily agitated or distressed; high-strung or jumpy, Marked by or having a feeling of unease or apprehension
Restless- Never resting; unquiet; uneasy; continually moving; Not satisfied to be at rest or in peace; averse to repose or quiet; eager for change; discontented; Deprived of rest or sleep
Teeth Grinding or Bruxism- The habitual, involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth, usually during sleep, but not always--- as from anger, tension, fear, or frustration.
Tension- a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense; from fatigue, emotional tension, stress is a vasoconstrictor, feelings of hostility that are not manifest;
The Optimum Nutrition Qusestioaire allows you to adjust your nutrients according to the aspects of your health and lifestyles. Hope this helps you to better understand the questionaire and answer more completely.
The Optimum Nutrition Bible By Patrick Holford
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Clean Animals of Levitical Law
The following list, based on Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14, identifies many of animals God designates as clean and unclean. The list uses their common names.
Clean Animals
Animals With Clean Characteristics:
*Animals That Chew the Cud and Part the Hoof: Antelope, Bison (buffalo), Caribou, Cattle(beef, veal), Deer(venison), Elk, Gazelle, Giraffe, Goat, HartIbex, Moose, Ox, Reindeer, Sheep(lamb, mutton)
Fish With Fins and Scales: Anchovy, Barracuda, Bass, Black pomfret(or monchong), Bluefish, Bluegill, Carp, Cod, Crappie, Drum, Flounder, Grouper, Grunt, Haddock, Hake, Halibut, Hardhead, Herring(or alewife), Kingfish, Mackerel, Mahimahi(or dorado, dolphinfish[not to be confused with the mammal dolphin]), Minnow, Mullet, Perch(or bream), Pike(or pickerel or jack), Pollack(or pollock or Boston bluefish), Rockfish, Salmon, Sardine(or pilchard), ShadSilver hake(or whiting), Smelt(or frost fish or ice fish), Snapper(or ebu, jobfish, lehi, onaga, opakapaka or uku), Sole, Steelhead, Sucker, Sunfish, Tarpon, Trout(or weakfish), Tuna (or ahi, aku, albacore, bonito or tombo), Whitefish
Birds With Clean Characteristics: Chicken, Dove, Duck, Goose, Grouse, Guinea fowl, Partridge, Peafowl, Pheasant, Pigeon, Prairie chicken, Ptarmigan, Quail, Sagehen, Sparrow(and other songbirds), Swan, Teal, Turkey,
*Insects Types of locusts that may include crickets and grasshoppers
Leviticus 11
Clean and Unclean Food
1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 2 "Say to the Israelites: 'Of all the animals that live on land, these are the ones you may eat: 3 You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud. 4 " 'There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them. The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is ceremonially unclean for you. 5 The coney, [a] though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. 6 The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. 7 And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. 8 You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you. 9 " 'Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales. 10 But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales—whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water—you are to detest. 11 And since you are to detest them, you must not eat their meat and you must detest their carcasses. 12 Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be detestable to you. 13 " 'These are the birds you are to detest and not eat because they are detestable: the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture, 14 the red kite, any kind of black kite, 15 any kind of raven, 16 the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, 17 the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, 18 the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, 19 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat. [b]
Clean Animals
Animals With Clean Characteristics:
*Animals That Chew the Cud and Part the Hoof: Antelope, Bison (buffalo), Caribou, Cattle(beef, veal), Deer(venison), Elk, Gazelle, Giraffe, Goat, HartIbex, Moose, Ox, Reindeer, Sheep(lamb, mutton)
Fish With Fins and Scales: Anchovy, Barracuda, Bass, Black pomfret(or monchong), Bluefish, Bluegill, Carp, Cod, Crappie, Drum, Flounder, Grouper, Grunt, Haddock, Hake, Halibut, Hardhead, Herring(or alewife), Kingfish, Mackerel, Mahimahi(or dorado, dolphinfish[not to be confused with the mammal dolphin]), Minnow, Mullet, Perch(or bream), Pike(or pickerel or jack), Pollack(or pollock or Boston bluefish), Rockfish, Salmon, Sardine(or pilchard), ShadSilver hake(or whiting), Smelt(or frost fish or ice fish), Snapper(or ebu, jobfish, lehi, onaga, opakapaka or uku), Sole, Steelhead, Sucker, Sunfish, Tarpon, Trout(or weakfish), Tuna (or ahi, aku, albacore, bonito or tombo), Whitefish
Birds With Clean Characteristics: Chicken, Dove, Duck, Goose, Grouse, Guinea fowl, Partridge, Peafowl, Pheasant, Pigeon, Prairie chicken, Ptarmigan, Quail, Sagehen, Sparrow(and other songbirds), Swan, Teal, Turkey,
*Insects Types of locusts that may include crickets and grasshoppers
Leviticus 11
Clean and Unclean Food
1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 2 "Say to the Israelites: 'Of all the animals that live on land, these are the ones you may eat: 3 You may eat any animal that has a split hoof completely divided and that chews the cud. 4 " 'There are some that only chew the cud or only have a split hoof, but you must not eat them. The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is ceremonially unclean for you. 5 The coney, [a] though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. 6 The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. 7 And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. 8 You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you. 9 " 'Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales. 10 But all creatures in the seas or streams that do not have fins and scales—whether among all the swarming things or among all the other living creatures in the water—you are to detest. 11 And since you are to detest them, you must not eat their meat and you must detest their carcasses. 12 Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be detestable to you. 13 " 'These are the birds you are to detest and not eat because they are detestable: the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture, 14 the red kite, any kind of black kite, 15 any kind of raven, 16 the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, 17 the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, 18 the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, 19 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat. [b]
Unclean Animals
Unclean Animals
Animals With Unclean Characteristics:
*Swine: Boar, PeccaryPig (hog, bacon, ham, lard, pork, most sausage and pepperoni),
*Canines: Coyote, Dog, Fox, Hyena, Jackal, Wolf
*Felines: Cat, Cheetah, Leopard, Lion, Panther, Tiger
*Equines: Ass, Donkey, Horse, Mule, Onager, Zebra (quagga)
*Other: Armadillo, Badger, Bear, Beaver, Camel, Elephant, Gorilla, Groundhog, Hare, Hippopotamus, Kangaroo, Llama (alpaca, vicuña), Mole, Monkey, Mouse, Muskrat, Opossum, Porcupine, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Rhinoceros, Skunk, Slug, Snail (escargot), Squirrel, Wallaby, Weasel, Wolverine, Worm, All insects except some in the locust family
*Marine Animals, Without Scales and Fins Fish: Bullhead Catfish, Eel, European Turbot, Marlin, Paddlefish, Sculpin, Shark, Stickleback, Squid, Sturgeon (includes most caviar), Swordfish
*Shellfish: Abalone, Clam, Crab, Crayfish, Lobster, Mussel, Prawn, Oyster, Scallop, Shrimp, Soft body Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Limpet, Octopus, Squid (calamari)
*Sea mammals: Dolphin, Otter, Porpoise, Seal, Walrus, Whale,
*Birds of Prey, Scavengers and Others: Albatross, Bat, Bittern, Buzzard, Condor, Coot, Cormorant, Crane, Crow, Cuckoo, Eagle, Flamingo, Grebe, Grosbeak, GullHawk, Heron, Kite, Lapwing, Loon, Magpie, Osprey, Ostrich, Owl, Parrot, Pelican, Penguin, Plover, Rail, Raven, Roadrunner, Sandpiper, Seagull, Stork, Swallow, Swift, Vulture, Water hen, Woodpecker
Animals With Unclean Characteristics:
*Swine: Boar, PeccaryPig (hog, bacon, ham, lard, pork, most sausage and pepperoni),
*Canines: Coyote, Dog, Fox, Hyena, Jackal, Wolf
*Felines: Cat, Cheetah, Leopard, Lion, Panther, Tiger
*Equines: Ass, Donkey, Horse, Mule, Onager, Zebra (quagga)
*Other: Armadillo, Badger, Bear, Beaver, Camel, Elephant, Gorilla, Groundhog, Hare, Hippopotamus, Kangaroo, Llama (alpaca, vicuña), Mole, Monkey, Mouse, Muskrat, Opossum, Porcupine, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Rhinoceros, Skunk, Slug, Snail (escargot), Squirrel, Wallaby, Weasel, Wolverine, Worm, All insects except some in the locust family
*Marine Animals, Without Scales and Fins Fish: Bullhead Catfish, Eel, European Turbot, Marlin, Paddlefish, Sculpin, Shark, Stickleback, Squid, Sturgeon (includes most caviar), Swordfish
*Shellfish: Abalone, Clam, Crab, Crayfish, Lobster, Mussel, Prawn, Oyster, Scallop, Shrimp, Soft body Cuttlefish, Jellyfish, Limpet, Octopus, Squid (calamari)
*Sea mammals: Dolphin, Otter, Porpoise, Seal, Walrus, Whale,
*Birds of Prey, Scavengers and Others: Albatross, Bat, Bittern, Buzzard, Condor, Coot, Cormorant, Crane, Crow, Cuckoo, Eagle, Flamingo, Grebe, Grosbeak, GullHawk, Heron, Kite, Lapwing, Loon, Magpie, Osprey, Ostrich, Owl, Parrot, Pelican, Penguin, Plover, Rail, Raven, Roadrunner, Sandpiper, Seagull, Stork, Swallow, Swift, Vulture, Water hen, Woodpecker
*Reptiles: Alligator, Caiman, Crocodile, Lizard, Snake, Turtle, Amphibians, Blindworm, Frog, Newt, Salamander, Toad
Flax is a beautiful flower and the seeds are so good for you too! Click on the Flax image to read the facts!
All Blood Types,
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Liver is Like an Oli Filter of a Car
The Liver is like the car's oil filter. Poorly digested food, sugar, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, heavy metals (like lead and mercury), pesticides and pollutions are all filtered through your liver. Your liver makes bile (a bitter, alkaline substance) that is stored in your gall bladder between meals. After eating, your gall bladder releases the bile, helping get rid of toxic waste and digesting fats. The pancreas secretes the pancreatic juice, often together with the bile, into the upper part of the intestines, and is a powerful aid in digestion.
A doctor supervised 7 day cleanse helps to clean the whole body. Milk Thistle seeds are what herbalists have used for 2000 years to treat chronic liver disease and protect the liver against toxins. Milk Thistle is a good way to start a liver cleanse. It helps to get the stagnation moving out of the liver and perform better.
Maintain your body, and liver... like you would your car!
A doctor supervised 7 day cleanse helps to clean the whole body. Milk Thistle seeds are what herbalists have used for 2000 years to treat chronic liver disease and protect the liver against toxins. Milk Thistle is a good way to start a liver cleanse. It helps to get the stagnation moving out of the liver and perform better.
Maintain your body, and liver... like you would your car!
Beets and Carrots
I am sure you have heard:
An Apple a day, keeps the doctor away!
Well, -the same could be said for Beets and Carrots!
Use 3oz. of beet juice daily because of the high levels of anti-oxidents that keeps the blood clean. Eating raw carrots every day, coats all of the body's organs to protect them from disease. So add beet juice to your favorite veggie drink and munch on carrots while watching TV!
An Apple a day, keeps the doctor away!
Well, -the same could be said for Beets and Carrots!
Use 3oz. of beet juice daily because of the high levels of anti-oxidents that keeps the blood clean. Eating raw carrots every day, coats all of the body's organs to protect them from disease. So add beet juice to your favorite veggie drink and munch on carrots while watching TV!
All Blood Types,
Monday, March 16, 2009
Food Should be Your Body's Medicine
“Unless A Man Be Born From Above”
ROM 8:6 ~ The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the
Spirit is life and peace.
CDC New Figures from 2008
Why US Citizens Have an ADDICTIVE BRAIN
*5 billion tranquilizers per year
* 1/3 high school students binge drink every 2 weeks
*One Hundred Thousand children, ages 10-11, get drunk weekly
*4 Hundred & Fifty Million cups of coffee are drunk every day
*2.7 gallons of alcohol per person are drunk each year
*2.2 Million people use cocaine once a week
*238 Billion dollars spent annually on drugs and alcohol
*1% of children, ages 2-19, meet Federal Standards for a healthy diet
New York Times Reported for 2008
*Average age of drug addiction starts at ages 6 to 12 years old
*From 1997 there’s been a 300% jump in sales Prozac, Zoloft, & Paxil for children, and anti-depressants
*40 Million children yearly, experience direct results from alcohol related issues
-This includes: Violence & Death, Traffic Fatalities, Suicide, Cirrhosis of the Liver, and Homicide
Fatalities before 20 years of age
*Highest rate of Childhood Obesity ever and 40% of their diet consists of Fat and White Sugar
Biologically Altered Brains Is the Result of:
*Poor pre-natal nutritin
*Poor over all diet/lifestyle
Enviromental and Mental Forces Result in:
*Mental stresses *Physical Stresses
*Toxins *Allergy Causing Chemicals
ROM 8:6 ~ The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the
Spirit is life and peace.
CDC New Figures from 2008
Why US Citizens Have an ADDICTIVE BRAIN
*5 billion tranquilizers per year
* 1/3 high school students binge drink every 2 weeks
*One Hundred Thousand children, ages 10-11, get drunk weekly
*4 Hundred & Fifty Million cups of coffee are drunk every day
*2.7 gallons of alcohol per person are drunk each year
*2.2 Million people use cocaine once a week
*238 Billion dollars spent annually on drugs and alcohol
*1% of children, ages 2-19, meet Federal Standards for a healthy diet
New York Times Reported for 2008
*Average age of drug addiction starts at ages 6 to 12 years old
*From 1997 there’s been a 300% jump in sales Prozac, Zoloft, & Paxil for children, and anti-depressants
*40 Million children yearly, experience direct results from alcohol related issues
-This includes: Violence & Death, Traffic Fatalities, Suicide, Cirrhosis of the Liver, and Homicide
Fatalities before 20 years of age
*Highest rate of Childhood Obesity ever and 40% of their diet consists of Fat and White Sugar
Biologically Altered Brains Is the Result of:
*Poor pre-natal nutritin
*Poor over all diet/lifestyle
Enviromental and Mental Forces Result in:
*Mental stresses *Physical Stresses
*Toxins *Allergy Causing Chemicals
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Ga Crops & Harvest Dates
Click Image to Enlarge.
Read more at:
Names of Sugar
NO ONE should use Sugar; it destroys the body!
Also stay away from the packets that are pink, blue or yellow. Artificial sugar causes cancer. Try a natural, no calorie sweetener from the stevia leaf ~ Truvia.
One of the worst offenders of sugar that distroys the body is soft drinks. They are very high in bone-dissolving phosphorus. When sugar is added to phosphorus, the volume of carbonation is increased and it kills the body's hydrochloric acid, so it takes the digestive juices away from where it needs to be.
More Information at-
Also stay away from the packets that are pink, blue or yellow. Artificial sugar causes cancer. Try a natural, no calorie sweetener from the stevia leaf ~ Truvia.
One of the worst offenders of sugar that distroys the body is soft drinks. They are very high in bone-dissolving phosphorus. When sugar is added to phosphorus, the volume of carbonation is increased and it kills the body's hydrochloric acid, so it takes the digestive juices away from where it needs to be.
More Information at-
Friday, March 6, 2009
"Drinks" Lecture
Click on the Image to enlarge. After it is made bigger, you can "Right Click" on the photo to "Save Picture As..." as to post it to your computer file. Then you can print it from your photo program or Import it to a Word document.
Eat for Your Blood Type
The concept to "Eat Right For Your Type" - or "Blood Type Diet " is based on research conducted by Peter D'Adamo, ND, who claims that people fare better (including with weight management) whentailoring their diet to their specific blood types. He advises:
Type A types should basically stick to fruits and vegetables (high carbs / low fat). They have thicker blood than other blood types, a sensitive immune system, and should not consume dairy products, animal fats and meats. They are at a heightened risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.
Type B types should consume a balanced diet (fruits and vegetables, grains, fish, dairy, meat, but avoid chicken). They have the best chance of bypassing or overcoming everyday types of diseases, including heart disease and cancer.
Type AB types should consume a mostly vegetarian diet, and only on rare occasions some fish, meat(no chicken),and dairy.
Type O types should basically stick to a high protein diet (including red meat), low carbs, & enriched with fruits and vegetables. They should limit the intake of wheat germ, whole wheat products, corn, and avoid dairy products and most nuts. Type O types are commonly affected with hypothyroidism, high stomach acid (leading to ulcers), and thinner blood with greater resistance to blood clotting.
Do you know your blood type?
Image from:
Type A types should basically stick to fruits and vegetables (high carbs / low fat). They have thicker blood than other blood types, a sensitive immune system, and should not consume dairy products, animal fats and meats. They are at a heightened risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.
Type B types should consume a balanced diet (fruits and vegetables, grains, fish, dairy, meat, but avoid chicken). They have the best chance of bypassing or overcoming everyday types of diseases, including heart disease and cancer.
Type AB types should consume a mostly vegetarian diet, and only on rare occasions some fish, meat(no chicken),and dairy.
Type O types should basically stick to a high protein diet (including red meat), low carbs, & enriched with fruits and vegetables. They should limit the intake of wheat germ, whole wheat products, corn, and avoid dairy products and most nuts. Type O types are commonly affected with hypothyroidism, high stomach acid (leading to ulcers), and thinner blood with greater resistance to blood clotting.
Do you know your blood type?
Image from:
Eat 4 Your Blood Type,
Type A,
Type AB,
Type B,
Type O,
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